The Saint Louis Project 

July 13th - July 18th, 2025

COST | $240 per person; includes: lodging, all meals (except Sunday Dinner), worship, preaching, training, arrangement for ministry site.

LODGING| TBD (More options in Saint Louis than needed.)

BAND | Connect Church STL

PREACHERS/TEACHERS | Several great communicators

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All the prep work/logistics of finding locations to do ministry, sleep, and eat are done for you! The main ministry of The Project is Vacation Bible School, Backyard Bible Clubs, in church buildings, apartment complexes, mobile home communities, and parks. The schedule also allows the freedom for block parties or sports camps as these may be a better fit for the "gift set" of your student ministry. At every level, we want to empower the student ministers involved with the project, so ministry locations can run as the spirit leads each minister individually. We will, of course, have an overall schedule enabling each student ministry to benefit the maximum amount from the entire process (i.e. corporate worship, preaching of the word, etc.)



The cost for The Project is $240 per person (student & adult sponsors). This fee includes all meals and snacks during the project, $12 for a meal on Tuesday evening (please note schedule), meals for VBS children, a t-shirt, accommodations (the floor of a church building), showers, some ministry needs, and specialized training. Please remember you will be responsible for all travel and expenses to and from The Project, including your transportation on the field.


Youth Minister’s Family

In order to help offset the costs for student ministers who would like to include their families, we do not charge for the student minister's spouse and children 12 years of age and under. However, we ask that you include these individuals on your rosters, so we can plan for food, lodging, and t-shirt quantities. For example: the $240 fee is applicable for the main youth minister, but his wife and children under the age of 12 come at no charge. We are sorry, but this can only apply for one overall leader per group. We apologize for not being able to make this available for all leaders/sponsors that are coming with you, but the only way we could absorb that cost is to raise the price for each student coming. Thank you for your kind understanding.


We request each church to bring one kitchen helper regardless of your group size, then an additional cook for every twelve youth/adults in your group. These helpers come at no cost. Their sole responsibility during the week is to serve as kitchen help. They will not be able to help at ministry sites because of the importance of their role. We already have a cook leadership team in place to help prepare menu’s and budgeting. These wonderful volunteers from your church will have the opportunity to serve underneath the leadership by helping cook, clean, and meal prep. Your cooks, perhaps, have the greatest heart and greatest mission of anyone there! If you can not bring the required number of cooks, please provide an additional $240 per cook so we can hire more workers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



By May 1st, each student ministry is required to have a $25 deposit per student/sponsor turned into our office, unless otherwise informed. If you need more time, please let us know. This deposit will enable us to take care of the necessary steps in the preparation for this event. It is our desire to prepare with excellence for your student ministry, the lodging sites, ministry sites, showers, etc. Thank you for your help!

Please make all checks payable to One Team International, mail them to

One Team International

P.O. Box 177

Fenton, MO 63026


To find our forms, please click on “The Project ‘25” tab, then click on forms. There, you’ll find a Prayer Coordinator Form, Roster, Background Check, and Medical, Liability, & Picture Release Form.

Prayer Coordinator Form

Please submit this form online; especially including the name and email address of your dedicated Prayer Coordinator. We suggest it not be a staff member or someone who is already on the trip with you. Staff members are busy people, but each church has that special member who is passionate about prayer. Just before your departure, we will send a Prayer Guide directly to your Prayer Coordinator. This will enable her/him to pray and send this information on to others who would pray daily while you are on the field. As you know, prayer is everything! Please submit by June 1st.


You’ll find a way to submit your roster on this website; HOWEVER, if you’d rather submit your roster in another format, that is great with us! We want life as easy as possible for you. Many of you have a certain formate that you prefer, so if you’d like to develop your own roster formate, and email it, please feel free to do so! You can email it to, and This roster needs to include the name of your students/sponsors, along with age, gender, t-shirt size. Due to our deadlines from our t-shirt company, we need this roster no later than June 15th. If your roster needs to be modified after this deadline, that is no problem at all! We will have extra t-shirts that will hopefully accommodate. We will do everything we can but late additions to the roster could result in the inability to receive a t-shirt.

Medical, Liability, & picture release Form

Please bring these forms with you as you come to The Project, and turn them at registration. Two things… (a) Please make a duplicate copy of each, enabling us to have a set and for you to have a set at all times during the duration of the week. (b) Please make sure all forms are sign, including the blurb at the bottom about the video and photo permission.

Background Checks

All participants ages 18 years or older must have a current background check. You’ll find a way to do these in our forms section. If however, your church has a different vendor, please feel free to use yours. If you already have a current background check on file, this is permissible as well. We require that a background check must be less than 2 years old. Please bring these background checks with you, and turn them in at registration.


We have a Frequently Asked Question section in “The Project ‘25” tab. However, we understand that additional questions may arise, so should that be the case, please don’t hesitate to contact Bob Caldwell at or call at 314.753.7429. We look forward to the possibility of a future partnership with you and your church.